The Good Men Project

What Happens When This Samaritan Gives This Homeless Man 1,000 Dollars

Homeless Lottery

Michael Amity suggests that when one dream comes true, we all win.

A man sits on a street, alone. He may be stressing about his next meal, or just thinking about life. A stranger walks up, having given some thought on what he can do to help. The scene plays out dramatically. What unfolds presents us with what is possible when we trust “the unconquerable human spirit,” as Joseph Campbell, legendary mythologist, put it.
When one’s generosity makes another’s life better, it’s both a work of art and a testament to philosophy. What happens when our minds set on practice? We manifest.
I had a vision, years ago. Indulge me for a moment: I was in a room with a mysterious group. On a table was a briefcase full of money. It was handed to me with a mission to distribute as randomly and quickly as I could. Perhaps you’ve had a similar dream, a grandiose importance you wished you had. We all want a chance to be larger than life, swoop in and save, to be the hero.
Watch this video now and document your thoughts:

Watching this, I empathized with all the characters. The most powerful moment was when the lucky man tried to give back. Sharing is caring, as they say.
A blending occurs from the visceral experience of watching the video. The homeless man will not be hungry this night, and we will have some food for thought. There is perhaps a shelter for him now available, not unlike one we may take for granted; with a bed, a hot shower, his enjoyment of simple pleasures, we imagine and are reminded to appreciate all we have, and to give more in that good grace.
Celebrities of all sorts make money pleasing fans, and the Internet has brought up independent stars who maintain editorial control. This transcends into a reservoir of creative, new options for content consumers, as each day, our memetic landscape changes with thoughts competing for a spot in the mainstream.
Actions stem from ideas, driven by purpose or passion. It happens inside and outside the image, as intention pervades into the image just as the physicality of it spreads virally.
Creators on YouTube enjoy shared revenues from their content. This brilliantly puts us, as viewers, in the driver’s seat: we can justify the notion that we are contributing tangibly. Our watching is an offering of support.
When its a good cause, it’s good for all. We don’t have to give money, or even take any traditional action, because change comes through ideas. We will have to take some time to nurture those ideas, but that won’t require us to leave our screen. We can just find a video like this and hit refresh a couple times.
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