The Good Men Project

How Did Texas Residents React to a Lesbian Couple Being Verbally Attacked By a Waitress? (Video)

This hidden camera footage will shock you.

An episode of “What Would You Do?” on ABC staged some actors to play lesbian couple, their children, and a waitress. The couple went inside with their children and the waitress played the role of antagonizing the family with common homophobic statements in a busy diner. The goal: to see who would speak up and stop the waitress from harassing the family any further.

The results will surprise you. In this experiment, according to the video, nearly half of the Texas bystanding residents stood up for the family (roughly 25 out of 53 people) whereas the same experiment was conducted in a New York restaurant where only a dozen people out of about a hundred stood up for the family then.

While the experiments aren’t really conducted in a way that you can scientifically compare the two places, it is still quite telling. And the results are amazing. There were two men in particular in the video that just made me want to bawl my eyes out at how wonderful they are.

Do these results shock you at all? What do you think of the video or the experiment?

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