The Good Men Project

John Oliver Rebuttals, Hilariously, Arguments Against Raising the Minimum-Wage

The debate over the minimum wage is a serious issue so it can dispiriting to see a comedy show make more sense than the “actual” news but as has become a bit of a custom, the daily show does just that.

When discussing minimum wage you can be sure as the sky is blue that someone is going to use the “pull-yourself-up-by-the-boot-straps argument. Sure enough Fox New’s Neil Cavuto does just that. “When I was a kid” he begins, as this argument often does, “I got a job at a fast food place and made my way to full-time manager at 16 and I started at $2.00 an hour” What is often lost on those who use this argument is how much times have changed and in fact, John Oliver hilariously points out that Cavuto misses that his $2.00 salary in today’s economy would be nearly $10.00—exactly what the other side is arguing the minimum wage should be.


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