The Good Men Project

‘Trees For Troops’ Brings Christmas Spirit to Military Bases and Families

Trees for Troops is an awesome organization that helps American service people celebrate Christmas with a traditional Christmas tree, when otherwise they may not have been able to.

Their website explains:

Imagine a smiling group of U.S. troops gathered around a Christmas Tree that was grown on an American farm and express shipped to arrive fresh and green somewhere on the other side of the world, just in time for Christmas. Or, imagine the families of deployed troops sharing joyous memories of Christmas through the gift of free, real Christmas Trees. Trees for Troops® makes this vision a reality!

Do you want to help? Visit their website,

You can support Trees for Troops through your tax-deductible donation or by becoming a corporate sponsor. The Christmas SPIRIT Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Your tax-deductible charitable contribution will help those in service to their country and their families receive a Real Christmas Tree and keep the spirit of a traditional Christmas celebration alive.

The photo above is from 1LT Ryan Cowan, currently stationed in Afghanistan, who wrote to the family whose tree farm donated the tree, thanking them for the holiday spirit.

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