The Good Men Project

Video: What if Guys and Girls Switched Roles at the Bar?

This short takes every stereotype about how men and women act in bars and clubs and turns them upside down.

Men order Raspberry Kamikazes, women grab men’s butts and get slapped, men are closed-off and rude to the women who try to talk to them, women intrude upon private conversations, a guy does a walk of shame…

…And that one friend—regardless of gender—who is always more worried about the fact that Taco Bell is closing than about hooking up.

There are a lot of interesting things that happen when a well-made parody of real life gender roles is created. There’s something to seeing the opposite sex doing something we take for granted. It all seems so much more rude, more intrusive, more exclusive, more violent, sillier or more intimidating.

If you’ve ever done these things in a bar—I know I have—does this make you rethink the way you might relate to people the next time you go out?

Are these stereotypes exaggerations, or pretty accurate? What did they miss?

Is there a way to make our interactions with one another more effective, less offensive, and more honest?

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