The Good Men Project

Just What the Doctor Ordered: Adorable Pug Puppies Take a Bath (Video)

Your weekly dose of cute to destress from your day.

Happy Hump Day! It’s Wednesday and we’re finally in the second half of the week. For some of you, winter is still hanging on by its knuckles, for others it’s been an unbelievably stressful week at work, and others you just need a vacation from life. This is why the internet is wonderful, because it brings us this video of PUPPIES. Which, at least temporarily makes you think less about your ragey boss and more about how darn cute those pugs’ eyes are!

Sit back, give yourself a moment of self-care, and enjoy these adorable puppies.

Check out more videos from The Pet Collective if you could use more adorable animals. (I mean, who doens’t?)

H/T to Jezebel for the find.

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