The Good Men Project

Mindset Coach, Brian King On Accepting Our Physical And Mental States|SBB 053

Brian gives of himself despite the fact that he sometimes doesn’t feel that great. Despite the fact that sometimes he does his work from bed. We are so honored to have him back and to have him share more of his knowledge of how we can better support people in our community.

Also…end #bedstigma

Sick Biz Buzz Bullet Points

  1. With his every waking breath, (and even when he sleeps), Brian works to deepen transparency. Trying to show up and be a hero serves no one. It’s alright to tell people your life isn’t perfect. It’s okay to not feel good and to let people know your true state of health.
  2. He refuses to join a pity party or to validate people who are throwing their own pity parties. Brian says frequently, “Of course, this sucks so what am I going to do to keep moving forward anyway?” He doesn’t want his kids to see a future of quitting because he made the decision to quit.
  3. Are you going to hide behind your excuses or are you ready to welcome abundance even in the midst of misery? How does this serve you? Has it ever served you or helped you to reach your goals? Getting to peace with your excuses doesn’t mean you can’t be angry or have any other emotions. Feeling resentful and mad doesn’t mean that you can’t compartmentalize your feelings and still accomplish your goals.


Brian King is a leader and he a mentor we can look up to for hope to find out what our next steps are. He’s the best kind of mentor because he is a person who is focused on giving back.

Psst! This is the episode to listen to if you are struggling with patience and tolerance. <3

Catch the sickest podcast around and learn how to turn your pain into purpose and profit every week on Sick Biz Buzz. Tune in wherever podcasts are available.


Original article appeared at Sick Biz. Reprinted with permission.

Photo credit: Sick Biz


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