The Good Men Project

27 Ways to Make Sure Your Employees Feel Psychologically Safe

COVID-19 has spewed its wrath on us, but we can still thrive and feel safe in times of concern. While we wait for a vaccination, we can out break-through any barriers in front of us. Leaders in companies can help their employees feel safe and validate their concerns. Positive behavior and action will certainly help “normalize” the workplace and support everyone in the company.

Here are 27 tips for leaders to use to support employees:


  1. Ensure employees know they are working in a safe, sterile workplace. Tell employees why the workplace is safe—office cleaning, sterilizing, handwashing, and mask policies are good examples.
  2. Have an open-door policy (certain hours) for addressing grievances and concerns.
  3. Explain that they can not discuss employee’s health conditions with other employees per American Disability Act guidelines. Let them know how the company keeps the workplace safe for their peace of mind and health.
  4. Make sure there is an action plan to reduce discrimination and bullying in the workplace.
  5. Ensure employees understand how to invoke the Family Medical Leave Act if applicable. Make the paperwork process easy and streamlined.
  6. Make sure employees are aware of Employee Assistant Programs (EAP) to support them.
  7. Explain worker’s compensation in the case an employee needs to file a claim.
  8. Take the time and engage with employees—they are the heartbeat of the company.
  9. Reduce the stigma of mental health issues in the workplace—it affects nearly one in four people, and Covid-19 has further impacted employee’s wellbeing.
  10. Ensure abled, and disabled employees know how to ask for a Reasonable Accommodation to perform their work. Not everyone will share they have a disability.
  11. Be open to bringing in a consultant or business coach to have better engagement and production with employees.
  12. Encourage employees to address grievance issues with Human Resources. Support HR and the employee every day.
  13. Encourage employees to think outside of the box and praise them for their proposed ideas.
  14. Address performance and behavioral issues in private, keeping in mind that an employee may be rehabilitated to become a better employee.
  15. Give more constructive feedback throughout the year—not just during the mandatory times.
  16. Resolve issues that can be addressed quickly with an (outside) mediator.
  17. Learn from the employee who speaks up about work issues—if the problem is valid, you are receiving the opportunity to improve the company’s health and welfare.
  18. People are concerned about bringing their work issues to Human Resources—employees deserve respectful behavior from everyone in the workplace. It’s an opportunity to improve the engagement between the employee and employer.
  19. People leave bad bosses—be a good supervisor or manager. How you treat an employee has a rippling effect on everyone.
  20. Employees who feel validated will go the extra mile. They will be loyal to the company, and that can improve the profits of a company.
  21. Seek legal counsel if needed. Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to work issues such as discrimination.
  22. Be humble, engaging, and authentic. We need more leaders who can accomplish the goals of a company and take care of their employees.
  23. Pay attention to employees who are taking off a lot of time. They may be ill, but they may also be experiencing bullying or discrimination in the company.
  24. Admit when you are wrong or make a mistake. Employees are not looking for perfect managers—they are looking for someone who has their back.
  25. Recognize your star performers and reward them—they have earned it.
  26. Ensure that every employee has a mentor to help them succeed in the company. Ensure it is the right mentor, such as an older male mentor (with daughters) who knows the issues his own daughters experience in the workplace.
  27. Be empathetic to your employees. None of us get to escape hard times. It happens to everyone. Support your employees and be prepared to reap the benefits of an engaged employee who feels the backing and validation of working for a great company.

This post is republished on Medium.


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