The Good Men Project

8 Things No One Tells You About Growing Up

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The world will try to harden you. Don’t let it.


1. Life will be full of disappointments.

No matter what age you are.

2. And moments of pure bliss.

The moments where your face will hurt from smiling so much.

3. You will make mistakes.


And never stop making them.

4. You’ll date someone who doesn’t treat you like they should.

And it will take you longer than it should for you to realize you deserve better.

5. People will break your trust.

More than once.

6. You’ll spend most of your twenties trying to figure out who you are.

And maybe even your thirties or forties…

7. It may take a while, but you’ll learn that this body is the only one you get.

So you have to take care of it.

8. The world will try to harden you, and you have to allow your smile to change the world.

Instead of allowing the world to change your smile.

Because as tough as life can be, it’s yours, and it’s the only one you get.

So you have to make the best of it.

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