The Good Men Project

A Breath of Fresh Air in Dealing With Anger

A scientific solution for the stressed modern man

The world we live in is stressful by design.

The flight-or-fight switch that has thrust humanity to the zenith of its collective evolution is now stuck in the on position.

The average adult male rite of passage is to be saddled with the expectation of being a breadwinner without an outlet to emote.

Anger is an inevitable outcome with 9.3 percent of the male population in America destroying property or physically assaulting another person because of rage.

Sometimes, the most effective solutions for an unnecessarily complicated world are the most basic: Just breathe.



By Angela McCluskey/Stephan Haeri/Fabrice Dumont

I brought you something close to me,
Left for something you see though your here.
You haunt my dreams
There’s nothing to do but believe,
Just believe.
Just breathe.

Another day, just believe,
Another day, just breathe
Another day, just believe,
Another day. just breathe.

I’m used to it by now.
Another day, just believe.
Just breathe. just believe.
Just breathe.
Lying in my bed,
Another day, staring at the ceiling.

Just breathe. another day.
Another day, just believe.
Another day.
I’m used to it by now.
I’m used to it by now.
Just breathe. just believe.
Just breathe. just believe.
Just believe. just breathe.
Just believe.
Another day, just believe.
Another day.
Another day, just believe,
Another day, just breathe,
Another day (I do believe).
Another day(so hard to breathe)
Another day(not so hard to believe)
Another day. another day.


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