The Good Men Project

Did You Miss Something Last Week?

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Sometimes we miss great content on The Good Men Project.

On The Good Men Project, great content flies by at 30 P.P.D. (posts per day) Yes, 30!

Posts that get popular and make the top ten stick around for some time. But what about other meaningful posts that also directly impact our readers lives? These articles and stories can fly under the social media radar and fail to get the attention they deserve.

Here are some great stories from the past week you might have missed.

Dixie Gillaspie offers two posts:

Both these say a lot about the importance and health of honoring the authentic self.

Men who ask themselves to be hard, to have no soft spaces, because they believe that is what the world requires of them, die a slow death internally and finally, externally. Life requires soft spaces, and honoring life requires that we honor the softness in all of us.

It’s easy to set a standard of being “that friend.” The one that sees only the good, the one that isn’t needy in the relationship, the one that gives without keeping score. But in any relationship, especially a business relationship, when the value you contribute is not balanced with respect and mutual benefit, you aren’t “that friend” anymore, you’re a martyr to the ideal of a friend.


Photo: art_es_anna/Flickr
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