The Good Men Project

Forget the Legacy, Just Live Your Legend

bruce lee tshirtKnowing what life is really about is what it takes to be a living legend, now.

“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” Bruce Lee

It’s easy to get over concerned with what you are going to leave behind after your gone. “What do you want your legacy to be?”


I won’t care. I won’t be here. It won’t be on my mind.

But I am here in the now. You are too. So let’s do something with the present.

Forget being remembered. Be memorable. Then you’ll be remembered.

It’s not about the goal reached, but what it took to reach the goal.

It’s not about the parent a child remembers, but what it took to be remembered.

It’s not about how much money a business made, but what it took to make that money.

It’s not about the goal reached, but what it took to reach the goal.

It’s not about the standing ovation, but what it took to move the crowd to their feet.

It’s not about the length of the marriage, but what it took to fill the years with joy.

It’s not about the laughter, but what it took to create the smile.

It’s not about the best friend, but what it took to forge the bond.

It’s not about “I have a dream,” or “We have nothing to fear but fear itself,” or “Give me liberty or give me death,” but the lives lived to make those immortal words immortal.

Live the legend and you’ll leave a legacy.

Photo: Flickr/DieselDemon

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