The Good Men Project


our train is delayed and I am late for
lunch for the boy I like because his
smile makes me feel a little bit less
lonely and this feels like a working
definition for love these days in the
city where it’s possible to be
surrounded by the warmth of over a
million apartment lights and still feel
cold the lights turn off and it’s one of
those rare moments when we’re forced to
look up from our screens and remember
that we exist outside of them they tell
us that a man jumped in front of the
train that he died upon impact so we
just sit there in silence as they remove
his remains from the tracks and some
part of us is happy because this this is
the first time in a long time we have
been forced to feel like something
greater than ourselves in the city were
sometimes it takes an accident just to
remember what the purpose of a body is
to begin with anyways the lights turn on
the train starts moving and the woman
next to me starts complaining asks why
this man could have taken a bottle of
pills before leaving the house how
selfish she was to delay others with his
own death and I want to hug her say
remind me the purpose…

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