The Good Men Project

Godspeed On Your Journey

There is a magick dancing in the wind, as old as time itself—a mysterious movement that shunts the purely chaotic and purely structured into a single manifest being. And just as the mighty elephant that each of three blind men describes in difference, so too, do each of us claim touch to a single step of the dance.

While some faces emerge in a rapturous glow and others are hidden in hands moistened by tears carrying the cathartic sadness from within strands of the genetic web, all touch the same source.

The only thing we may ever genuinely grasp is the omnipotence of mystery, and in doing so, we will unravel at the command of its paradox. For all we know, which I venture to guess isn’t much in the whole scheme of existence, we have it all wholly backward and have taken too kindly to the confused association of coincidence and causality. 

Our ghostly wisdom far exceeds our Earthly knowledge, though just as a match that will only burn if lit, we as a species rest dormant, housing massive potential energy awaiting the moment we choose to set out and strike to be struck.

It is all that we know—all the Earthly knowledge—that comes to stand in the way, blocking passage to the other side of the illusive veil. We cast our many doubts like nets to catch us and slow our movement into the, as of yet, unknown.

The vast legions of choices stand ready to be called forth into life’s great battle, but which shall we choose?

More than the execution of our discovered direction, it is the very act of choosing that may be the greatest challenge of our time. Or shall I specify: choosing and committing. 

If you are reading this piece in hopes of being handed the answer to your dilemma of this nature, this must be where I gladly let you down. For I would never dream of robbing you of the blessed glory that is finally discovering for yourself what calls forward your deep and unending passion.

This is the journey we are all walking. And though some have chosen to slow and others to stop, there is always space for you to continue your courageous migration toward the only place which holds the answer for you.

Passing through the armed blockades of a mind carelessly left in charge and ducking the slings and arrows of reason, logic, justification, and so-called safe-bets, you will finally reach the stillness of your heart.

There your truth awaits you, and once you’ve arrived to claim your vision, you are ready for the next courageous step: radically committing to it in action and deed.


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

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