The Good Men Project

In August, Free Theater Staged in a West Philadelphia Park

When viewing ‘Running Numbers,’ a stage play written by Ms. Cheyenne Barboza and adapted from Mr. Carvens Lissaint’s poem, ‘Financial Aid,’ you can’t help but feel sympathy for C.J, the production’s main character.

A bespectacled math whiz aiming to pursue higher education, C.J finds himself torn between two worlds: a home life which is quite dysfunctional and void of taxable finances, and a taxing street life which promises quick cash but delivers consistent disillusionment. C.J isn’t built for the street. Rather, his disposition is germane to that of a teacher’s pet. C.J is bright but docile; he appears to not have much of a backbone and yet he’s the backbone of his family. Above all, though, C.J is determined, but to a fault.

Acknowledging that his lush of a mother, who doesn’t want her under-the-table income realized, will be of no help in navigating paperwork and processes for his schooling, C.J turns to the street, and in particular, Kenney, the neighborhood pimp and drug dealer who’s portrayed by Mr. Carlo Campbell, the co-founder of Theater in the X, a Philadelphia company which uses Malcolm X Park, at 51st & Pine, as its stage.

Though Kenny would be the antagonist in this context, Mr. Campbell pushes-back on the idea that the character is the “bad guy.”

 “This guy represents a failing system… he doesn’t come out of a void of darkness… he wasn’t born from the bowels of Satan,” Mr. Campbell told me.  

Mr. Campbell said Kenny, as a character, is a brilliant dude but that he’s the work that society has to do.

“Society made Kenny,” Mr. Campbell stated.

The decision to produce ‘Running Numbers’ came out a series of readings. Mr. Campbell said when Theater in the X came across ‘Running Numbers,’ it was deemed powerful and timely.

Ms. Barboza, the playwright, finds the partnership with Theater in the X to be strategic.

“It was very important to make it accessible,” Ms. Barboza told me after the August 6th production, which attracted a great audience of mostly neighbors. “I want young, inner-city people to see it.”

Throughout last Sunday’s production, many young black men and boys passed by, stopped and gawked at the acting. Some who’ve seen the play don’t understand, or identify with, the mother character, but others do, Ms. Barboza said.

“She’s real. People have said: that’s my mom! There are so many shades to being black in America,” stated Ms. Barboza, who, after befriending Mr. Lissaint and watching him get rejected from Philadelphia’s University of the Arts, started writing ‘Running Numbers’ in 2011.

The most recent draft of the play was written a month ago, Ms. Barboza revealed. Philadelphia audiences will have two more weeks to, for free, experience ‘Running Numbers’: Sunday, August 13th and Sunday, 20th.


Thanks for reading! Until next time, I’m Flood the Drummer® and I’m Drumming for Justice!™

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Photo courtesy of the author.

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