The Good Men Project

Two Years After Losing His Wife to Cancer, A Man Re-Created His Wedding Photos With Their Young Daughter

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Melanie Tracy Pace / Loft3 Photography

Ben Nunery and his daughter created an intimate portrait of life after loss.

This post originally appeared at

Ben Nunery’s wife Ali passed away in 2011 after a battle with a rare form of lung cancer. Two years later, Ben and their daughter Olivia decided to move out of the house that he and Ali moved into the day before their wedding. With everything packed up, the house was empty, just like it was on the day they shot their wedding photos. So Ben enlisted Ali’s sister, photographer Melanie Pace, who shot their original set of wedding photos, to shoot a set of new ones.

Melanie Tracy Pace / Loft3 Photography

Melanie Tracy Pace / Loft3 Photography

Melanie wrote about taking the new set of photos for Ben and Olivia on her blog:

He asked me to take pictures of him and Olivia in their empty house just like we did on the day he married Ali, 4.5yrs ago. That’s right, the time has come for Olivia to have a yard to play in, a bigger house where her toys can have a dedicated place of their own and home in a good school district. On Friday Ben handed over the keys and drove away from the house that holds so many unforgettable memories. The place where you can literally feel my sister’s presence the second you step in the door. Heck, she poured herself into making that place their home and every inch of it was perfection, who am I kidding?

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