The Good Men Project

Lockdown: Day 5 (Almost Got Away)

My wife works at a high school, so we try to have a getaway during spring break. We start early, and when we find the right place we jump. By starting early we save a little bread and have a much better chance of getting the place we want. This year was no different. My wife found a cabin on 150 acres in Northeastern Ohio. It is in the heart of Amish country, so we thought we would have a new world, or maybe an old world, to explore.

The Mennonites are disciples of the Anabaptists who occupied Munster and were routed by a combined Catholic/Protestant army. There was a lot of discrimination, violence, and death. In the end the leaders of the occupation were executed. Their corpses hung in steel cages from the church spire to serve as a deterrent. I think the cages are still hanging there. That is about the extent of my Amish religious knowledge. This was going to be a chance for me to learn a little about their beliefs. We could visit the churches, museums, and heritage centers. Unfortunately, everything was closed.

Fortunately, we had a great cabin, with beautiful places to hike and explore. The owners have another cabin they are renovating just a short walk along a gravel road. We decided to go check it out. As we approached the house there was a huge, old barn. It was beautiful in the way old barns can be, worn and weathered, with gaps in the planks.

As we approached the barn a small black cat came ambling toward us. Her coat was shiny, soft and felt clean. We stopped to scratch her head, she was almost irresistible. Two more came strolling out of the barn toward us. They were gray and white striped and about the same size as the black cat.

Cats don’t really walk, they glide, they saunter, they strut. They would be infuriating in their arrogance if they weren’t so damned cute.

We scratched and petted all three, and tried to walk away. It was hard because they weren’t done, and kept trying to rub against our legs. It became a dance. Step, look, step, and at the last instant stumble and make sure your foot landed somewhere else so you didn’t step on one of the cats.

We stopped to talk to the owner at the new place. Just a few pleasantries and headed back. We laughed about the “guard cats.” He asked us if we wanted them, I think it was a joke.

All three cats followed us. Eventually, two of them dropped away. But, the original welcome feline, the friendly little black cat followed us all the way back to the cabin.

“No, go home, little kitty.”

“Stay here, you can’t come with us.”

“We’re only visiting.”

“Your family will miss you.”

We tried reasoning with her. We tried everything, but she was relentless. Occasionally she would rush ahead and look back at us. Sometimes she would seem to be gone only to appear suddenly, right underfoot.

She ended up following us, sometimes leading us all the way to the cabin. We didn’t know what to do.

The owner came driving by and stopped. We told him the cat had followed us back.

“Just one?” He asked.

“Yes.” We said, pointing to the little stalker.

“It’s always her.” He sighed.

We apologized and offered to drive her back.

“No, it’s not your fault, she always does this. I have to run over to my house and get something, then I’ll take her back.” He said.

We walked to the door, and she was right on our heels. We didn’t think we should take her inside. So, we tried to lose her. Nothing worked, she was fast, smart and really friendly. Finally, we split up. My wife finally got in the front door. The cat ran to the door, but my wife got it closed in time. I took off around the cabin and she let me in the back door, just as the cat rounded the corner. We were safe. For now.

But, we were trapped. We couldn’t go outside. The cat was right there. Every time you looked out the window the cat was sitting there waiting to have her head scratched. It didn’t matter which window, she was there, it seemed as if there were dozens of her. No sitting on the patio, no enjoying the evening. It was like the book Cujo. Iced Corona beer, a pleasant evening in a wooded paradise and we couldn’t open the door. The government should get a cat like this, it keeps people inside.

Finally, the owner came and whisked our little friend away. We were free. In a way, though, she was the star of Spring Break 2020.


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