The Good Men Project

What Question Would you ask any of the Great Men of History?

What question would you ask any of the great men of history?

Most people like books. Some people like to read books. Then there are others who like to write books. I like to do a bit of both. I like reading books so much, I tend to wonder what was the author thinking about at the time of the writing? How was the author feeling, where did the inspiration come from? I ask those questions of every author, even myself. I feel it is imperative to the acknowledgement of the writings.

So, not only do I wish that I could ask questions of great men but, also great men who happen to be, or happen to not be, authors. One author who I would like to ask about the part he played in his alleged writing of the Bible would be Shakespeare. That’s right. William Shakespeare. Rumor has it, he wrote some of the Bible. Well, translated the Book of Psalms 46, at the age of 46. My question to Shakespeare would be if he did write some of it, how much of the translation was his own interpretation? How much of the Bible is truly God’s word and how much is merely the interpretation of one of the worlds greatest literary artists ever to live?

Because, as a writer and a reader, we tend to understand words differently from others. It’s called a point of view. An opinion, if you will. Opinions are like iPhones. Everybody has one. And speaking of which. If I could have the chance to question Abraham Lincoln, I would ask him about this quote.

‘Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.’

Honest Abe, if this is true, we should be able to know and understand that the buckling and folding our current president is doing is because it is his true character or lack thereof. Take your pick. Merely my opinion, but I wish I could ask the man himself. His quote. He should be able to shed some light on it for me. Because as it states, nearly all men can stand adversity. But test his character by giving him power.

Mr. Lincoln, do you think America has elected our current POTUS because it wants to expose him for the fraud he is? By giving him the power that he now has, we should be able to see the real him. But, at what expense do we pay for this? As US citizens, is it fair to us, that we suffer the political chess game being played with us being the pawns?

Now, back to William Shakespeare. I want to know, William. If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be? This question has always intrigued me. I’ve thought about answering it, myself. I would tell my younger self to not trust too much in friendships as a youngster. I tell my sons this often. What would Shakespeare say to his younger self?


to be continued…

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Photo Credit: Getty Images 

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