The Good Men Project

Real-Life Best Friends Recreate 100 Year Old Bromance Photos

Why is this wonderful?

I don’t know why, but it is.

And I think these guys have really landed on the fact that when you’re an 8 year old kid, you and your buddies pose for photos by hanging all over one another. But then you get older and you’re taught (by society, if not overtly by your parents or friends) that this is not okay.

Anyway, it’s super interesting to see real-life best guy friends push themselves out of that standard “man box” which reinforces homophobia as a reason why guys can’t touch each other – even those two guys who’ve never even bumped elbows together!

This is what I love about BuzzFeed video. They really do fun stuff that pushes us to think about the prescribed gender roles men are put into.


Oh and you should read Mark Greene’s great writing about men and touch!


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