The Good Men Project

Stories vs. the Plague

Three young friends outdoors in the park.

You don’t need a campture to tell stories.

1. Think of stories that move you and you are willing to tell whether true or fiction.

2. Gather the flock around you (at a safe distance). If no flock, use your smartphone.

3. Tell the story. Be as theatrical as you like.

4. If digital, send it to those you feel would most enjoy it.

5. Invite your listeners to share in turn.

Thanks to Tatyana Fertelmeyster for this reminder of storytelling in quarantine! I watched Pasolini’s film of the Decameron last nite–quite a piece. Are we also in such a transition time? Here’s Tatyana’s post:

“Written in the middle of the 14th century as the Bubonic Plague decimated the population of Europe, “The Decameron” is a satirical and allegorical collection of stories by Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio. Constructed as a series of “frame stories,” or stories within a story, the narrative follows seven young women and three young men who take refuge in a secluded villa outside Florence in order to escape the Black Death. During ten evenings of their stay, each of travelers takes turns as storyteller to pass the time. Their stories relate tales of love, both happy and tragic, examples of the power of fortune and human will, and exhibitions of virtue, cleverness, and trickery. Boccaccio’s work is not only important for its superb literary quality but for its examination of the changing cultural values that defined the transition from medieval times into the renaissance. The virtues of intelligence and sophistication of the increasingly urbanized and mercantilist Europe are shown as superior to the relative simplicity and piousness of the feudal system. More than the sum of its parts, “The Decameron” is a milestone in the history of European literature, an influential and enduring masterpiece.”

This post was previously published on and is republished here with permission from the author.


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