The Good Men Project

The Mile

In 2017, I ran the Phoenix Marathon. I love marathons because they are just like chasing a dream.

Phoenix was my fourth marathon in my third state at the time, and I have a dream goal to run one in every state. This marathon was a special one for me because my mentor and friend moved a year ago, to Arizona. We ran together and had a great time catching up.

Marathons hurt.

Marathons hurt and for me, they take a long time, but there is beauty in them as well. There are new people you meet things to look at and if you’re lucky, great conversation. The thing that amazes me is that every marathon I get a life lesson. This marathon was no different.

Here is the wisdom from this marathon.

Enjoy the mile you’re in.

This was the mantra for the run but more importantly one I need to apply to my life.

Marathons are many different races within one.

In the beginning, you are excited and nervous. You are unsure if you will make it and have many concerns but you move forward with anticipation. In this stage of the race, you need to load up on liquids and slow down, or you will burn out.

Dreams are the same way, in the beginning, you are nervous, and your nervous energy can get you to sprint when you should be patient and pace yourself. Fill up with things that will energize you in the long run and practice restraint in your pace.

Slow and steady beat fast and empty every day of the week. Fill up and slow down. Enjoy the mile.
In the middle section of the race, you get bored. Nervous energy leaves your body and mind, and the ache starts to set in. You may find yourself slowing down, and you need to make sure your pace is maintained. Confidence is gained, but you are agonizing over the steps to go. You need to focus on what is right in front of you.

Dream chasers in this section need to have tenacity. When the dream loses it’s shine, your dedication to the craft is shown. Don’t focus on what is ahead, focus on the mile. Keep your pace strong to reach your dream.

Fall in love with the process. The process will keep you when excitement is replaced with the grind. Enjoy the mile.

At the end of the race, your whole body hurts. Boredom is gone, and pain has replaced it. You wonder if you have what it takes, and want to quit. You are tempted to look at the whole race and get discouraged. You must focus on one object and reach that then focus on the next one. You must push down your emotions and put your shoulders back and grind out each step.

Dream chasers must stop asking themselves how they feel the longer the dreamer has chased a dream. They must focus on the next step and not focus on the steps behind them. Only the steps that are in front.

Embrace the pain of the step. Enjoy the mile.

There is beauty all-around as you focus on the mile you’re in and not the marathon. Eyes up, take a step, and power through. Be blessed on your journey.

* If you enjoyed this article, share it with someone you think would benefit.

Originally published on Zachariah Newman

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Photo credit: Shutterstock ID 1064515046

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