The Good Men Project

Dudes Take Note: Study Proves Women Masturbate

Jamie Reidy comments on new scientific data from Germany revealing important information about the opposite sex.


Well into my teens, I thought women did not pleasure themselves. Then again, I thought nobody pleasured themselves, since the Bible forbade masturbation. Thank you, Catholicism.

Then I got to an all-boys high school and realized every dude except me was cranking it like he was trying to jumpstart a Buick. This led to an evolution in my “thinking:” men liked sex, but women did not. They maybe hated it, even. (“Maybe girls just hated it with you, Jamie!” I wish; at least that would mean I didn’t go oh-for-high school.)

For the ladies, then, sex was all about pro-creation. Fortunately for me, I have since been edumacated in this arena.

I hope to god there aren’t any more clueless shmoes like me out there. But, if so, pay attention to this series of impressively official graphs from “Glas.”

Photo by: Glasmond

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