The Good Men Project

Gangnam Style Hits 7 Year-Old Boys Hard…And Breaks Down Barriers.

How does this…

Become this…


I like to think I have my finger on the pulse of pop culture.  I watch American Idol.  I listen to a lot of music.  I watch reality television and even dabble in a little People Magazine once in a while (okay our household has a subscription). How is it, then, that until 48 hours ago I was NOT one fo the 500 million view of “Gangnam Style.”

The questions are too numerous to list out in their entirety here but a few that pop to mind.  Who is this guy?  Why is he dancing like that?  Did some great mind put this video together with the stated intention of global domination?

But one question rises above all else:  why do 7 year-old boys find this zany Korean dude (he is Korean right?) so captivating that they want to learn and duplicate his every dance step?

Somebody please enlighten me.


(update:  Just did a web search and discovered that “YouTube sensation Psy is a military vet, a father of twins, and the heir to his family’s semiconductor business.”)


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