The Good Men Project

Gender Wars Gone Mad: Wife Dismembers Husband

I am really hoping this has nothing to do with our ongoing discussion of men losing their balls this week. CNN is reporting that Catherine Kieu Becker drugged her husband, then roped him to their bed and cut off his penis. She proceeded to take the member and throw it into the couple’s garbage disposal to make sure there would be no chance he would get his manhood back. The couple, who live in Southern California, had been going through a divorce. He was rushed to the hospital and she was taken to Orange County Jail after admitting that she did the deed and that she felt, “he deserved it.”

Commentary around the web has been heated, with the story on the top of most of the news websites. Men are outraged, some women asking whether the woman in question was abused. A doctor even volunteered on the CNN site that perhaps the husband might be able to use a finger to replace his lost member.

Kidding aside, this is one more case that shows just how violent the animosity between the genders has become. Domestic violence in both directions is an issue that gets too often swept under the rug. But the assumption seems quite often that when a women beats a man (think Tiger Woods) that he deserves it. In a world where sexism is still alive and well, where men continue to have had the reigns on the top spots, and women might feel men don’t understand their plight, there is a sisterhood thing that sometimes happen when a woman fights back.

But can we just all agree that Ms. Becker went just a tad too far? Even a guy looking for his balls, like me, doesn’t really want them cut off anytime soon.


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