The Good Men Project

New Search Engine Can Search the Future

When your investors include Google and The CIA, what you’re doing is probably important.

A revolutionary type of search engine, Recorded Future has drawn the attention of many forward-thinking corporations with its simple interface that organizes vast amounts of information across graphic timelines. Searching through history is one thing. The scary part about Recorded Future is that its timelines extend into the years to come.

It’s not exactly an electronic Nostradamus. The information it “predicts” is already out there. The genius of Recorded Future is in the accumulation and exhibition of the info you’re looking for. The tool builds analytical displays that are based on information it has gathered from every imaginable inch of the internet. Whenever a trade magazine announces an upcoming product’s release, or when a pharmaceutical company publishes the prospective end date of clinical trials, or a piece of legislature is set to expire, it is placed within timelines of appropriate searches.

The company, not yet two years old, boasts fewer than 100 clients at the moment, including financial analysts, government agencies, and media analysts. If you want to join the club, you’re going to have to pay.

In the mean time, the company will get your mouth watering with a dozen tantalizing YouTube videos. Some of the appetizing possibilities: know your rival company’s next move, find trends in terrorist bombings, or just avoid condescending glances at your outdated iPhone.

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