The Good Men Project

Open Thread: Are Women’s Studies Programs Inherently Anti-Man?

Today’s open discussion comes to you courtesy of a conversation on my Louis CK post regarding whether or not Women’s Studies programs in universities are inherently anti-male. As a graduate of the UCLA Women’s Studies program, I never once felt that my studies were anti-male, but I wanted to provide a space for debate on this subject.

What do you think? Does the study of women’s history, literature and theory come part-and-parcel with anti-man sentiment? Have any of you participated in a Women’s Studies program and came away feeling it was anti-male?

Does studying authors like “MacKinnon, Dworkin, and some of the more colorful Steinem” as Mike L. points out, naturally make a whole program anti-man?

Are there ways in which the women’s movement, Women’s Studies programs being a part of that, have helped men? Has the changing role of women in today’s society made men more free?

Please note: This is an open thread, you may discuss anything you want without topical moderation. However, we ask that you please refrain from insulting any commenter or calling names.

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