The Good Men Project

Ways Gender-Privileged Men Can Challenge Sexism


image stephen sheffield

In my obsessive quest to be better, and to momentarily satiate a serious addiction to information, I am constantly swimming through the interwebs in search of nuggets that lead me closer to that noble yet elusive goal of being a “Good” man, a better writer and honestly, an escape from that clock that seems to tick louder and louder in my head.

I often find myself incredibly sensitive to the world around me, and things impact me deeply, so when all the hullabaloo here at GMP with feminist vs. MRA turf wars, subsequent face changes, and some other personal issues in my life converged, I must admit to a bit of downtime in my spirits. I found myself battling with the same old truth that seems to lie at the core of everything I do. If things are a certain way, then what am I going to DO about it? Am I piling on to a problem by simply pointing it out and screaming my opinions, or am I taking action to create a positive change? A wise old mentor taught me very well the idea of “Ok Varnell, so you are addicted. Big deal. What are you going to DO about it?”

As much as that way of thinking has helped me to where I am, a little more age and hopefully, wisdom has shown me that it isn’t always as simple as that. There are many things that are outside of my control. So I seek. I ask, and seek more for answers. In this case my question was, how can I make sure that I am living what it means to be a Good man in this time and place ? How can I help to carry a message that helps to expand, and illuminate what this “project” is all about.

Last night, Meeca brought some answers. A student majoring in Communication Studies at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Meeca is currently researching representations of queer couples in the media, and the ways in which patriarchal ideals of masculinity harm people of all genders. Apart from studies, Meeca also writes poetry and short fiction, which can be found on Tumblr.

I am quoting the list as originally posted. When I found it there were around 1500 re-posts and “likes”.  Meeca has invited all to add to the list as they see fit.  I would encourage you to read it on Tumblr too, in order to watch its progression. It is growing, and as you see from the nature of the post, what Meeca really gave to me last night was concrete answers on how to carry the message of my beliefs. Well, that and the hope, with the confirmation once again that sometimes, I don’t need to do a damn thing. The world is changing just fine without me interfering.

Ways Gender-Privileged Men Can Challenge Sexism

(This list will be forever in-progress. Please add on as you see fit).


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