The Good Men Project

Great Resistance to Trumpcare Impending

The perception held by some voters of Republicans as cruel and unusual wasn’t mitigated by their celebration of a political victory which aims to take away healthcare from 24 million Americans. U.S. President Mr. Donald J. Trump led a Thursday afternoon rally in the Rose Garden and made clear that the narrow passage of the American Healthcare Act, also known as Trumpcare, is a step closer to the repealing and replacing of Obamacare.

“We are going to get this passed through the Senate, I feel so confident,” said the president, who made repealing and replacing of Obamacare a pillar of his avant-garde presidential campaign.
The celebration, which included selfies being taken, was characterized by some political observers as being premature, particularly because there are some Republicans Senators who don’t support the legislation, and instead of voting on the House bill, the Senate may attempt to write and pass its own bill.
“I don’t support the House Bill,” The Atlantic quoted Senator Rob Portman of Ohio as saying.
And not even all Republicans in the House are sold on Trumpcare. CNN notes that of the 238 House Republicans, 20 voted no on the proposal. U.S. Congressman Mr. Dwight Evans, who represents Pennsylvania’s 2nd district, on Friday said the House Bill will probably be amended by the Senate and sent back to the House.
“We have a long way to go,” the Congressman admitted on Friday morning during an interview with a Philadelphia-based radio station.
The House bill, which resurrected a healthcare debate that was thought to have died weeks ago, was so rushed that the Congressional Budget Office hasn’t analyzed its potential impact. A great resistance from the American public, including Trump’s own supporters, to the House Bill is expected – and in some places, I assume, is already in motion – due to it aiming to eliminate the provision which guarantees coverage for people with preexisting conditions. As of Friday morning, the hashtag #IamAPreExisitingCondition, where users shared their stories of sickness, was trending on Twitter.

An anti-Trump protester in Philadelphia holds up a sign that says “Resist.” Photo Credit: C. Norris – ©2017

The Washington Post, following the passage of the ACHA in the House, issued an analysis with the headline: This is not the health-care bill that Trump promised. Indeed, Mr. Trump, seen by many as a serial liar, did say his plan would “take care of preexisting conditions.”
When the House Bill passed Thursday, 217-213, Democrats taunted Republicans with song, suggesting they would be booted from office by their angry constituents, who also taunted Republicans outside the U.S. Capitol with chants of “Shame! Shame! Shame!”
Congressman Evans, a Democrat, said Friday on-air that he hopes the listening audience will remember what the Republicans did come Election Day. Calling the House Bill both “embarrassing and disappointing,” Congressman Evans, acknowledging that this is a fight, vowed he would resist and “stay awoke.”
Thanks for reading! Until next time, I’m Flood the Drummer® and I’m Drumming for Justice!™

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