The Good Men Project

Random Acts: What Kindness did you Share With a Stranger?

When we give a little something of ourselves, we generally get something much bigger in return. What random or not so random act of kindness have you done recently?

When I do something kind and it really makes a big difference for the recipient or for me, I want to share that joy with everyone! Do you want to share your feel-good high after you did something nice?

People sometimes see this as bragging or trying to get attention. Do you think it’s bad to share? Do others make you feel akward or shame you when you do? Do you agree with people who say that if you give and talk about it later, it cheapens the gift? Are these acts somehow better if they are anonymous?

Did someone do something kind for you? What was it and how did it change your moment, attitude, outlook, or life? What made it so special?

Do you have a favorite random act, like buying dinner for a couple in a restuarant or getting coffee for the guy behind you in the drive-thru?

Do you find yourself being more generous at certain times? Maybe around the holidays or when you need a pick-me-up? What prompts you to give randomly?

What’s the most amazing reaction you ever saw when a randomact of kindness was delivered? What made it special?


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Photo credit: Pixabay

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