The Good Men Project

Sacred Conversation of Spoken Word and Healing Frequencies

Conversation with a Modern Sacred Man

This is part of a performance piece I will be performing with a sound healer to address the ills of ourselves and our country.

Part I of III…My Calling

My calling I hear you

I can feel your Soul with my eyes

in a desire that inspires…

I can taste you with the lids of my eyes 

in the lyric of my tongue.

My ears ring your echo, your song.

I am inspired by your source.


I am glad to be in your presence  

and I breathe in the grace of the life within you 

be with you in this sacred place.

I am an echo of you.


My breath and my voice are a gift from my mother  

my grandfather and grandmother, my aunt… my people before me.

You know this truth as I know my own soul.


My calling it is sacred 

as is my heart and my voice.


I breathe in the light and love of the morning 

the hope of living as do the trees 

 as I am walking and talking

 songs to my soul as I take a breath 

trying to breathe like trees breathe.


I see and hear the old stories of eternal life echoing within my soul

I breathe in response to the breathing of the trees…

 all breathing without asking,


My calling is so sacred 

 as is my heart and my voice

 and I can taste you in my soul.

I open my heart and breathe in the grace of this room.

I breathe in the breath of my calling…

 my getting next to you.


In order to be your own gifting allow yourself to surrender

to the flow of your true desire to feel and hear clarity…   

learn to see the map of the journey unfolding 

always in a calling back to source.


You can let go of what you think is holding you.

It is just the gripping of your fears  

the holding on with eyes full of falling tears…

while losing one’s vibrational connection to life 

while losing your life.


I reach out my hand in compassion and understanding.

I reach out my hand and heart to know you as love.

I reach out to you with my open ears  

as I am opening to know love.


What you hold your attention to will eventually hold you  

in the care of its arms.

My calling is sacred  

as is my heart and voice.


Belief is a part of the law of attraction.

Sit with your inner being to tune into the flow  

so you may know the awareness of the alignment

 that allows you to hear source energy.


Safe within the chambers of my soul

I tend the flame of life.

I burn the passion of being a spiritual being  

having a human life.

I step into the fullness of being   

a spiritual happening every second 

an ash rising in pure faith.


My calling is sacred 

as is my story, my heart and voice.

I am speaking in a sacred conversation 

so I may hear you as you begin to hear me.

I am afraid you will disregard me

 and I am afraid of separation…

my calling is sacred and I am not afraid of you 

I just want to know you more deeply 

 so I can hear the sound of your loving voice.

Anything that leads to union is called yoga…

 so let’s do yoga so we can be together.

Let’s move and sing together.

Let’s breathe together 

so we may know our place of belonging

in union with the intention of being loving in sacred conversations.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

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