The Good Men Project

The Darkest (and Best) Dad-and-Daughter Ad I’ve Ever Seen

What happens when a dad realizes how their town is treating his goth daughter?


Yes, it’s a commercial. But it’s also unlike any dad-and-daughter ad I’ve ever seen.

Usually the pair bond over Dad doing something “feminine”, or a least “unmanly’, that makes them laugh and smile. Think Barbies and pink and ballerinas.

Or Dad teaches daughter about sports or cars or something else “masculine” that, according to ads, men are uniquely qualified to teach.

Or, if the daughter is older, they might share a smile over her first date, or prom, or going of to school, or wedding.

In other words, we’ve come to expect a certain script when a company uses “Dad-and-daughter” to sell a product, experience, or feeling.

Which is what makes this ad so unusual and so cool.

There’s no real hint of where it’s going until it gets there. And then you’ll wonder why more ads, and anything else showing dads and daughters, can’t show a little more of this kind of imagination.





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